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What are some therapeutic exercises that can impro (1st Nov 22 at 9:20am UTC)Quote Reply
What are some therapeutic exercises that can improve balance in a stroke patient? {Confused}
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Re: What are some therapeutic exercises that can.. (3rd Nov 22 at 4:19pm UTC)Quote Reply
Well, mind that there can be a lot of different approaches. The most common method of treatment in post-stroke rehabilitation is a massage – an effective tool that does not require expensive equipment and helps to relieve muscle tension and restore normal blood flow. Check out this cool article about exercise for a stroke patient Good luck
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Re: What are some therapeutic exercises that can.. (4th Nov 22 at 6:26am UTC)Quote Reply
Every stroke SURVIVOR is different. That is why each of us requires individual physical therapy.

My therapist suggested various exercises to me. I did them at home religiously. I even had a balance barre installed, so I could challenge my balance safely. When I’d “mastered” them, I went back for a reassessment and a fresh set of exercises.

I use a single point cane most of the time, though sometimes I use a walker. Assistive devices are just that — they assist. We shouldn’t lean on them. We need to stand up and use them only to help us establish a sense of balance. I can lose my sense of vertical, which causes me to fall over like a tree. If I feel the change in pressure on my cane or walker, however, I can sometimes straighten up before I go down. It is scary to say that I haven’t fallen in over a year. Feels like it means I’ll fall soon.

I’m hoping to start a new round of physical therapy soon. I will keep getting stronger and more capable as long as I work at it. I work at it every day. From walking 5 minutes away from home then back, I’m now able to roam for miles most days. I keep working on it, but I’ve accepted that my balance is likely to be “wonky” for the rest of my life.
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