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What are easy steps to find and choose the best Fo (26th Jul 21 at 10:48am UTC)Quote Reply
What are easy steps to find and choose the best Forex broker? {Confused}
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Re: What are easy steps to find and choose the b.. (27th Jul 21 at 6:33am UTC)Quote Reply
Have you read anything on the topic yet? I guess you will need to spend some time on it. Then if you want to have some professional income I would like to recommend to read about myfxbook MyFxbook is a unique service for traders, and it includes several different tools specially designed to enhance the ability to copy trades. I`m pretty sure you`ll take the best decision. Good luck
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Re: What are easy steps to find and choose the b.. (27th Jul 21 at 6:36am UTC)Quote Reply
First, it is worthwhile to understand that the phrase legal Forex broker means a number of important criteria, which together form a general idea of ​​the broker. Let's consider all of them:

The prestige of the company. The concept is quite broad, but it is still possible to summarize information about a broker and find out its authority. You should not look for information on the broker's website or re-read all the reviews. They will always write the best to the rating, etc. The main thing is to find a source that you trust.
Age of the company. Choose a broker that operates for the maximum amount of time. Unfortunately, this point does not always give an objective assessment.
Licence. The activities of brokerage companies are strictly controlled by special regulators that issue licences. Each country has its own supervisory authority. How to find and check a broker's licence? Everything is extremely simple — visit the website of the regulatory body and check for a licence. For example, brokers in the UK are controlled by the FCA.
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Re: What are easy steps to find and choose the b.. (25th Aug 21 at 7:42am UTC)Quote Reply
You can study for a long time information, ratings on the Internet about brokers. I did that too.
Or take my advice. Check out RoboMarkets. It is a European licensed broker. RoboMarkets provides its clients only with the most comfortable trading conditions. With the help of RoboMarkets, investing in precious metals has become a real thing for me. Look here for xauusd charts to understand how profitable it can be.
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