Surrey Jobs > Job Board :: Other Jobs :: > How common are amber eyes?

How common are amber eyes? - Posted By freestown7 (freestown7) on 9th Sep 21 at 6:08pm
How common are amber eyes? {Confused}

Re: How common are amber eyes? - Posted By oliviabacker (oliviabacker) on 10th Sep 21 at 1:15pm
Hi, as far as I know there are few people with amber eyes, so few that it is even possible to state that this eye color is quite uncommon. In its essence, the amber eye color is a combination of yellow and orange which is quite unique. This eye color is often called wolf eyes. So, read carefully about amber eyes Hope you will like these idea

Re: How common are amber eyes? - Posted By ladygaga (ladygaga) on 10th Sep 21 at 5:28pm
Less than 1% of the population has amber eyes

Re: How common are amber eyes? - Posted By Katrina Sparks (katrinasparks) on 26th Mar 22 at 1:42pm
Hi! About 5 percent of people around the world have this rare eye color. Amber eyes are uncommon, but can be found throughout the world. Amber is a golden yellow or coppery color without specks of gold, green, or brown.